E-commerce Website

  • Tech Stack: Laravel Framework, PWA (Progressive Web App), PHP, MySQL Database, JavaScript & JQuery, HTML & CSS, Braintree Payment Integration, Laravel Socialite, Laravel Pusher, Unisharp Laravel, npm for package management
  • Github URL & Documentaion : Project Link

The Laravel ecommerce site is a comprehensive platform designed to meet all your ecommerce needs. With features like PWA (progressive web app), responsive layout, shopping cart, wishlist, product reviews, coupons and discounts, and much more, this site is ideal for businesses of all sizes.

The site is equipped with a range of powerful tools, including product attributes, blog, module/extension management, SEO support, newsletter management, contact forms with real-time notifications, and more. The site is also integrated with social media platforms, including Facebook, Google, and Twitter, making it easy for customers to share and follow products.

The site also includes payment integration with PayPal, an order tracking system, a multi-level comment system, and much more. The admin panel is comprehensive and includes features such as product management, media management, order management, category management, user management, coupon management, and more.

The user dashboard allows customers to manage their orders, reviews, comments, and profile settings. The site is easy to set up and customize, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes.